Look Up for facebook Comments

  1. Look up interval - how long to wait between friend requests
  • i. 30-60 seconds
  • ii. 3 minutes
  • iii. 5 minutes
  • iv. 9 minutes
  1. Gender Filter - Male or Female

  2. Country filter - choose from one of the following

    • Country tier - tier 1, 2, and 3, can choose multiple

    • Country name - the name of any country, can choose multiple

  3. Look up for mutual friends- either yes or no

If yes- 

a. Choose Greater than or equal to and then a value 

b. Choose Less than or equal to and then a value

  1. Keywords - only send friend requests if any of these keywords are present

  2. Negative keywords - do not send friend requests if any of these keywords are present

  3. Message group - the array of messages to choose one from and send with the friend requests