Post Profits Pro Cards

You can create these cards for each post to automate reply to post comments.


Create New- You can create a whole new card for a post with following options:

  1. Post Title- You can set a name for identifying the setting you have created for a post.

  2. Description- You can give a description for a specific setting for your convenience.

  3. Set Keywords- You can set specific keywords for replying to the post comments. Whenever  a user comments in your post, the extension checks for the specified keyword or keywords only then it will reply to those comments. If you want to reply to all comments, you can leave this field blank.

  4. Reply List(s)- You can set multiple replies for post comments. So that the extension keeps changing the replies for each comment.

  5. Select Message Group(s)- You can select a message group so that the extension can send randomized personal messages to the commenter (so that facebook cannot track the automation). 

  6. Tag User- You can tag the commenter whenever you reply to a comment.

  7. Minimum Time to Reply in seconds (min 60 sec)- You can set a time delay for each reply.

  8.  Random Delay Time in seconds- You can set a time delay after each reply time delay to randomize the total time delay for each reply.

  9. Pause After (x) Reply- You can set a pause time after each set of replies, the extension will pause for that time.

  10. Take a Pause for (x) Minute(s)- You can set the pause time.

  11. Random Delay Time for pause after X reply in seconds- You can check this option and set a time for randomizing the time delay.

  12. Latest Post Engagement- If you set this option as ‘yes’, then the extension will only give replies to the latest comments. If you set this option a ‘no’ then the extension will reply to all the comments.


After creating cards you will get the following options for each card-

  1. Start/Stop- You can start the extension for a post and stop that also.

  2. View Post- You can directly go to the post.

  3. Edit- You can modify the setting options.

  4. Refresh- By clicking this option you can refresh Post Count and Post Reply Count of that post in the card.

  5.  Delete- You can delete the card.